Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Take Control of your New Assets with a Maintenance and Reliability Readiness Plan

Have an Advanced Sneak Peek at MRG's May Article in BIC Magazine!

Take Control of your New Assets with a Maintenance and Reliability Readiness Plan

Having spent more than 25 years in the engineering, maintenance and construction industry, I have found that applying well thought out maintenance and reliability plans early in the design and construction phase is "cheap insurance" for quickly attaining availability and throughput targets while lowering the costs of maintenance for the remainder of the asset lifecycle. In fact, investing just 0.1% to 1% of the project costs on maintenance and reliability readiness yields:

  • Faster, safer more reliable start ups

  • Sustainable availability and throughput targets

  • 10-20% reduction in overall maintenance costs

  • 20% reduction in the costs of spares

  • Engaged workforce

See the full article in the May Issue of BIC Magazine!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reliability Tip

Reliability Tip

In Conjunction to Your Maintenance Activities, Populate your CMMS with Current and Accurate Foundational Asset Data

All too often, basic asset information such as manufacturer, model, serial number and additional characteristics are not included in a plant's CMMS. In addition, spare parts lists for these assets are typically non-existent or are sparsely populated. Upon completion of maintenance activities, take a few minutes to capture asset nameplate information as well as any spare parts used during the repair and add the information to the hardcopy work order.