Materials Management - It's Half the Battle
Under stocked and/or overstocked items, duplicate item records, hidden inventory items, non standardized MRO spare part descriptions and unknown interchangeable parts--among other things--are all problems that can and do lead to significant lost time and low value activities. When we look at these and other storeroom inefficiencies and the inevitable problems that surface as a result, it becomes obvious that it can be very inefficient. If it is so obvious then why is it repeated over and over again in thousands of manufacturing facilities on a daily basis? Is it because there are bigger problems to be concerned with? Does maintenance think, "We have been running this way for 20 years, why change anything?" Are we too close to the problem to see it? Do we not realize how big a problem this is? It only stands to reason that optimizing your stocking levels, identifying duplicate item records and standardizing your MRO spare parts descriptions will minimize these "lost time" activities that can have the same effect as doubling your work force.
Material issues can easily account for 50 - 60% of the money and time associated with equipment maintenance. It is often a constant source of frustration for craftsmen and supervisors alike. Yet, many manufacturing organizations do not look at maintenance materials management or their maintenance process as a strategic competitive advantage. Some of the "guilty" parties are the same organizations that preach "Supply Chain Management" as a key competitive advantage on the production and customer side of the house.
Read the White Paper, Materials Management - It's Half the Battle.
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